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- Make: Jerome Thibouville - Lamy
- Year: 1910
- Date Stolen: April 26, 2017
- Location Stolen:
Instrument Description
Stolen violin from my home in Tucson, AZ on Apr 26 2017. I had the violin for 17 years and I miss it immensely. Filed police report with Tucson police, contact me for case number.
Identifying Marks
Violin: Full-size French violin circa 1910 made in the workshop if Jerome Thibouville - Lamy in Mirecourt. Stamp inside says "made in the style of a Stradivarius" but in French, and may also have a French name. Vintage violin with no serial number as far as I know. Body has black outline along the rim, and the long grain of wood goes parallel to the length of the violin. Neck has "tiger-stripe"-like pattern. Black chin-rest, substantial overlap with tailpiece compared to most other violins. Condition of the wood is good, old and well-worn. Two distinct nicks and some small scratches in photos. Bow: R5685 Silver mounted Modern Pernambuco stamped "D Chagas - Brasil". Case: Artiste Deluxe, canvas material with top zipper pocket. Oblong black cover with burgundy velvet interior. Shaped like a violin. Violin and bow were in need of string repair as strings were very loose, and bow re-hairing (hair falling out).